Exactly What The Deep State Has Planned
... For You and Me, Gentle Reader. And In Their Own Words.
Jacob Nordangård, PhD, blows the lid off the United Nations’ and the WEF’s plans to drive the world straight into a Technocracy. See the full article, cited from Technocracy News, November, 2023, here; or, alternatively, in my ongoing effort to cut to the chase, as everyone who can fog a mirror already knows about the fasco-Marxist Deep State challenge to truth, health, justice and simple humanity, below is what you can expect from the not-as-smart-as-they-think-they-are, only they’ve got the dough, Deep State Malthusians.
If you don’t know what Malthusianism is, it is the philosophy from Thomas Malthus (d. 1834), and who wrote in 1798 An Essay on the Principle of Population that a.) wants to shorten your life and b) has NEVER been proven right, not once (cf. The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894, or the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wagers, or think in the 1960s, “India is going to starve” - only they didn’t due to Borlaug’s Green Revolution). Simple fact is, these Deep Staters are simple too stupid to figure out that MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS. It’s simple: their idiot worldview (not an insult; rather just a fact) states that, following Thomas Malthus’ dictum, that food grows arithmetically, population geometrically. On the face of this, it makes sense - I can well remember my mother decades ago yelling at the TV news about the starving masses in Asia or Europe “Send them birth control pills, not food!” But my lovely mother, and the Malthusians, were wrong.
Or as the now blown-up Georgia Guidestones told us, the population was to be 500 million. Sadly, the couple below is too clueless to know that that that monument they are smilingly posing in front of is the same thing advocating their shortened lives, and/or childlessness. Can you say Covid shot causing miscarriages and migrating into the reproductive organs of men and women, as we now know it does.
As a Canadian citizen, note adulterer/permanent junior high level emotional maturity King Charles is part of the Deep State cabal. The take-away for you is simple, and what the Club of Rome stated in its 1974 report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point The real enemy, then is humanity itself. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself. Also from the Club “The earth has cancer and the cancer is man.”
Yes, that means, gentle reader, both you, me, and our families.
Here are the Deep State goals, from Nordangård: (There are) seven possible global shocks (that the Deep State will use) Major climatic event. Future pandemic risks. Event involving biological agents. Disruption to global flows of goods or people. Cyber-attacks. Major event in outer space. And… an unforeseen black swan event.
If a global shock happens, an emergency platform will be convened by the United Nations system. This will bring together actors with an ability to contribute meaningfully to the global response. They will build international consensus on the way forward and act in unison. The platform is supposed to deliver high level political leadership, solidarity and equity, coherent response, networked multilateralism, data and analysis, and last, accountability.
Similarly, Alex Marlow at Breitbart, here, discusses the public-private partnership that will control all of your life, you will own nothing and actually NOT be happy. As most readers now know, the merger of the socialist state with co-opted crony big biz is precisely and literally called fascism, exactly as its founder, Benito Mussolini wrote in his eponymous 1932 article, The Doctrine of Fascism (about a dozen pages) which I hope you, dear reader, will review, as it spells out what they want for you. From memory I quote part of it:
Interestingly, about the same time I published this article, Mercola came out with a similar article. Citing Whitney Webb, he noted, in part, the following probable coming attacks:
The next action item in the globalist takeover includes a cyberattack on the banks before the end of next year. The cyberattack will destroy the current banking system and usher in programmable central bank digital currencies and eliminate privacy online, requiring everyone to have a digital identification tied to their ISP
All online activity will be surveilled and analyzed by artificial intelligence, and the data used to prevent crime before it happens. Thought-crimes will also have ramifications, potentially resulting in the seizure of private property and/or removal of “privileges” previously understood as human rights
Everyone must now choose between enslavement or freedom. Not making a conscious choice is itself a choice. If you choose freedom, you need to make plans for how to exist outside the slave system being put into place and support Big Tech alternatives that offer complete privacy
Similarly, well-known blogger Michael Snyder talked about the Trudeau-like invasion of our banking with Deep State antics here in Why Are Online Banking Services Suddenly Being Disrupted On A Massive Scale All Over The United States? The article is well worth your read, but suffice to say we know that, just like the mark of the beast in the book or Revelation - which I have read in the original Greek, and which specific chapter I just read last night - and just like the vile, evil, corrupt, disgusting - and did I say vile yet? Justin Trudeau - a key element in our slavery is taking our money, either directly, or more subtley, through inflation. Got gold? Got junk silver (pre-1965 US coins)?
In imperial pre-WWII Japanese Bushidō, (Way of the Warrior) code of conduct of the samurai, or bushi (warrior), one of the main tenets was always let your enemy know you were going to attack - basically as an insult. Think of gentlemen in the late 1700s slapping each other with a white glove before a duel to the death. In fact, one of the shames the Japanese fell about Pearl Harbor was that they were going to notify the US just hours before the attack fell, but a communications screw-up caused that not to happen.
The arrogant Deep State is doing the exact same thing to us deplorables in flyover country now. Will people get it? There are more of us than them, so if we just simply communicate, we will win. Only, too many are too concerned over being unfriended, falling for the “you’re a conspiracy theorist” slur, or watching Dancing with the Half Naked Stars, or the latest Dallas Cowboys vs. Roman Gladiators to do anything. And thus, the future of the world may well go out with a whimper, not a bang… all due to simple moral cowardice.
Don’t be one of them.
I saw the USA lose its backbone with 9/11. So clearly,"the writing on the wall"!
For those at the back of the class who haven't been paying attention so far:
The "carbon" they want to reduce (and ideally eliminate altogether) is US!