“For those who think they can “sit this one out,” you can’t, you won’t…and they never intended for you to be able to.”
Not getting involved, or at least informed, is the same rationale many Jews had in 1934 Germany… “Oh, it can’t get any worse than this,” or “Germany has always been civilized, this is as bad as it will get” etc.) Or as one person told me, when I told her about the aborted fetal material used (or tested with) in the Covid shots “I know, but I got it because I just want to go to Cancun next month.” (Yes, real story). We are being run by a somnolent wokester and LGBT death cult (e.g., Harari, “Karinge” Jean Pierre, Yuval Harari, Colorado. Gov. Polis, etc…) that all love mass death and yes, want your kids under their spell (just ask those “terrorist” moms from Virginia who wonder why their 6-year old Johnny comes home from school and tells mum he is now a girl…. or next year, maybe a dolphin.
The same mess is behind the Ohio train disaster. See below.
Long story short, the Palestine, OH. derailment was another attack on our food system and infrastructure, even if it was by sin of omission, rather than by commission. This is, in terms of cover-up, a bit like Chernobyl, where Soviet residents were initially assured in 1986 that nothing bad had happened, and all could return home.
Worse, is this part of the globalists’ depopulation gambit? As WEF’s gay Yuval Harari says, “What do we do with the useless humans?” (his words, not mine). Spoken like the true misanthrope he, and his WEF cabal, are. Solyent Green perhaps (movie trailer here ~3 min), set, presciently, in 2022, perhaps wasn’t far off the mark!
I needn’t recount all the food plants, chicken farms, the Nordstream pipeline (now the Germans don’t have affordable energy; and just wait until BASF, which makes over 80,000 chemicals, goes off line, with the remainder of operations moved to China), that Freeport, TX LNG explosion that took about a ¼ of our supply offline etc. Yes, we all get it - some of these are truly accidents. Plausible deniability is the fasco-Marxists stock in trade (supposedly the Freeport LNG explosion was a valve issue. Maybe. Maybe not. As Monty Python once said, “the cheque’s in the mail,” too. And maybe Mr. Biden shutting down the Keystone pipelines (Alberta has as much oil as Saudi Arabia, albeit as tar sands) was “a valve issue” too? Some of the incidents are certainly accidents; however the number of all these “accidents” is not… just like all the background total population deaths, now 40% higher than usual, point to something rotten in Denmark, too, relativfe to the vaccine. (These statistics are per OneAmerica insurance CEO Scott Davidson, see article published by The Center Square, Indiana) or as Blackrock truth teller Ed Dowd outlines in his new book, Cause Unknown)
The base chemical set fire to in the train wreck was vinyl chloride (set fire to to supposedly get rid of the threat). Of course, if something like this happened outside of middle America’s flyover country, do you think this would happen in Martha’s Vineyard, Westport Connecticut, or near Hilary’s mansion in Chappaqua, NY? The explosion intentionally set off created precursors for a gas that is the same as what was used in WWI – and which is a war crime to use today.
NY Post says “Toxins like volatile vinyl chloride, as well as phosgene and hydrogen chloride, were known to be aboard.” It is massively toxic. The Deep State mouthpiece Wikipedia says “Phosgene is extremely poisonous and was used as a chemical weapon during World War I, where it was responsible for 85,000 deaths. It is a highly potent pulmonary irritant and quickly filled enemy trenches due to it being a heavy gas. It is classified as a Schedule 3 substance under the Chemical Weapons Convention. In addition to its industrial production, small amounts occur from the breakdown and the combustion of organochlorine compounds, such as chloroform.” And isn’t blowing this up the opposite of “containment?”
The fireman who fought the blaze were told to throw away their gear… but yet it is “safe to return home” for us poor, unwashed masses, without even any cleanup or abatement?
During the crisis, one of the most major environmental catastrophes of the young decade, Biden had zilch to say, and Buttigieg would only talk about Chinese balloons, nothing about the train crash, as RebelNews.com. or ohioexplosion.com discuss. Mayor Pete said nary a word on the disaster that befell the nation, but did find time to whine about there being too many men in the construction business. Gone unspoken was whether there were too many white gay men in the Transportation Secretary office.
Vinyl chloride, when burned, results in hydrogen chloride, which is very unstable and immediately bonds to water and water vapour, creating hydrochloric acid (HCL), which is massively corrosive to just about everything it touches (outside your stomach). See engineer NickDrom on Tiktok here for more (not that anyone should use Tiktok!) on the actual science of this. In particular, this even will eat through metal parts, and if you get it on your skin, you might get an acid burn. This is what is is now falling out of the sky, and onto farmland and rivers all around; this will end up in the Ohio River, and thence to the Mississippi. (Note: While the fallout will only touch a portion, the Mississippi basin in total grows around 40% of all our grains!) Prevailing westerlies are right now dropping this acid on thousands of farms in the flyover country of us poor, unwashed masses, and will run off through the Ohio and Mississippi River basins. This was not just dispersing the chemicals, but an attack on farmland. This will change the Ph of the soils and mess that up, as well as screwing up the soil microbiome.
Downwind – the controlled burn has a radius of up to 100 miles – this means, depending in part on wind, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland, Toronto and Lake Erie will be hit, and this will disperse and kill farm animals, wild animals, fish, poison the land, sterilize people and animals, and cause cancer over the next decades to come. Downstream these poisons, which includes butyl acrylate, will hit Louisville, Cinncinnati, Indianapolis, Nashville, and more. The Ohio River provides drinking water to over 5 million, and this poison will drain into that, then down the Mississippi to New Orleans, and finally pollute the ocean after that. This Ohio area has very fertile land. which is just another attack on our ability to feed ourselves. But recall, the vile Yuval Harari and the WEF don’t like us poor unwashed masses in flyover country anyway; they want you “replaced” with robots. And even better for the WEF, them, this area of the world voted 70% for Trump, so it is a win-win: destroy the land, destroy the food supply and destroy Trump supporters. If you are a fasco-Marxist from the WEF or George Soros, what’s not to like! KAOS (most won’t remember KAOS from the old TV comedy Get Smart, but this was supposed to be an international organization of evil bent on world domination. Now we see art becoming reality; or to update the trope, the Trman Show) The Ohio River basin has over 30 million people, or 10% of America’s population.
Is this vinyl chloride nasty stuff? The OSHA limit during an average 8 hr. period is ONE part per million if you need to get a sense. Note that there was a crash in NJ years ago, with “only” one train car and 23,000 gallons spilled and it did NOT catch on fire. Also in this was ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, and isobutylene as well as ethylene gas, where Tucker Carlson cites a HAZMAT expert as saying:
Here is what was released, per the Norfolk Southern report. Don’t try using any of these as condiments on your next WEF cricketburger.
Ryan Cunningham on Twitter noted why the explosion was done on his Twitter feed. Note in particular that the boiling point for the contents is 7.9 F (of course, water is 212F by way of reference). It would then mix with air, and essentially create a fuel-air bomb, similar to what the massive MOABs (Mother of All Bombs… probably the LGBT have restricted the use of that term now) the US used to rout the Taliban in Afghanistan. So… they had to explode the contents to stop an explosion? Appears so. Is this like the Vietnam famed quote by Peter Arnett (which was later proven to be yet another faked quote) “We had to destroy the village to save it.”
Dioxin is a result when any chlorinated organics, such as the vinyl chloride that burned, are burned. Did the Einsteins who did this burn not know this? Half life of dioxins are from 25 to possibly as high as 100 years. As noted elsewhere here, they cause cancer, harm reproduction and the immune system. More on the dioxins created here at American Partsian. It is not good. And here are the CDC's Medical Management Guidelines for Vinyl Chloride. And the impact on children? Not good, as Children’s Health Defense points out here (1 hr. length).
The WEF’s Yuval Harari, who has been wondering what to do with all the “useless people,” will quite likely be overjoyed to see more people. including children, gone, no doubt.
Where was the transport minister Buttigieg for the 10 days after the disaster ? Off on yet more vacations or fake paternity leave? Chasing Chinese balloons? Or was that kids kites and seagulls they shot down to save face? Was he perhaps delivering another harangue on “transit equity?” Tucker Carlson gives a complete list of Buttigieg’s utter fecklessness – including zero comment or involvement from him for 10 days after one of the worse ecological disasters in the nation - here (10 min). This Mayor Pete’s one and only job, look after things like this. He did have time to make jokes about balloons while people were having their livlihoods and lives destroyed by his incompetence, but not to comment on the disaster. And for once, Chinese President Xi was on track, ridiculing Buttigieg in the Global Times, calling him “a vanity political appointee” and saying he exposes the corruption, incompetence, and hypocrisy of the U.S. government.
Dr. Kevin Crist, Dir. of Ohio University’s air quality center, said in the NY Post article that this chemical “can cause cancer of the liver” and to “breathe those in under heavy concentrations, it’s really bad for you… it’s like an acid mist.” (no doubt Pfizer will probably make a vax for phosgene gas next). This train burning may well cause untold numbers of cancers over the next decade, but I guess that should handle those that didn’t get the clotshot.
But the EPA’s James Justice tests showed everything was now fine – monitoring “didn’t shown any toxic threats (now, after 3 days).” Yeah… just like the vaccine. Wonder if the EPA official got 30 pieces of silver for this? The Wisconsin Dept of Health Svcs says about vinyl chloride “Human and animal studies show higher rates of liver, lung and several other types of cancer” and can effect liver, lung, kidney, spleen, nervous system, blood and reproductive organs, as well as miscarriages in humans and animals (so…. basically, you’ll save money having to neuter your kids or give him/her/it hormone blockers.)
The fake news (CBS, MSNBC, PBS, CBC in Canada, CNN, etc. were all conspicuously absent in flogging what should have been another fear porn/money maker episode. They were as absent as Transportation Secretary Buttigeig, who took ten days to even comment. (Not to worry! He’s gay, so he’ll get a pass as usual). Even though the mushroom cloud was visible from outer space, it wasn’t visible to the lamestream media.
But small time news operator NewsNation reporter Evan Lambert tried to do what our vile, evil, co-opted, bought out, disgusting, fascist, fraud (and did I say “vile” yet?) fake news wouldn’t and went to report… a la what our 1st Amendment guarantees. He was arrested. Doesn’t this sound like East Germany or North Korea to you? The Committee to Protect Journalists has a story on Lambert here; with the vid here of his arrest (that is, until YouTube removes it). The rest of the fake news totally ignored the disaster - e.g., here is Lester Holt, nine days after the event, totally ignoring the issue, as reported by alt-news Clayton Morris at Redacted (see 2 min mark), complete with snazzy music. The redoubtable Redacted also noted the hazards that created this disaster were on the union's list of changes demanded, but Biden shut their right to strike down. Do you understand now why there has been complete media silence? (That will change, of course, once they get some narrative worked out; most likely to blame someone else, perhaps even one of their own, for as Jacques Mallet du Pan (1749—10 May 1800), wrote about the first leftist reign of terror, in his 1793 essay that “...the Revolution always eats its own children” (“A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants”) Or see the Twilight Zone epidode about the Martians who plan on taking over earth… only the learn, too late, that the Venusians have them already targeted for oblivion here.
Who else might have been involved in the 150 car wreck? The governor? Local officials? Railroad officials? EPA? Most by now have seen security camera footage taken in Salem OH. from a factory 20 miles away, with sparks and flames shooting out (see also here, at 5 min mark). This should have triggered an emergency brake, but that didn’t happen. As of this writing the NTSB is looking at the data recordings and hot box detectors that were along the tracks. Of course there is feckless Biden’s Build Back Better – was this disaster part of that “building back?” His $65 billion infrastructure bill, instead of working on solving issues like this derailment, rather focused on “environmental justice” and charging stations for those $75,000 Teslas we are all supposed to run out and buy. Y’know… the ones that catch on fire and use cobalt mined by child slaves in Republic of Congo (some as young as 6!) and take literally 500,000 pounds of earth moved for every 1,000 pound car battery (and, by the way… when you are done with the battery, it doesn’t just “disappear.” Nor do the wind turbines - disposal is a massive, big deal for both batteries and used wind turbines). Here’s a list of all the money used for “woke” infrastructure gambits in lieu of actually fixing things, such as what just happened in Ohio. And what’s next that Mayor Pete and faux Pres. Biden missed? How about, instead of the billions going to Ukraine to prop up fascist Zelensky, we put 1% of that money into our own country? We are literally using some infrastructure from the 1800s on our railroads! And one wonders if Blackrock, which owns everything and Forbes values at $9.5 trillion, could put some of their lunch money into fixing stuff like this. (By way of comparison the GDP of a mid-sized country like Argentina was $487.23 bn in 2021, and Japan was just under $5 trillion – half of Blackrock). So when they your farmland is destroyed but not on the news, or they tell you to eat crickets, or “you will own nothing and you will be happy,” or remove your credit because you emitted to much CO2 breathing, you can just ask Blackrock why…
Here’s where it gets really bad. A Netflix movie, WhiteNoise, was recently made about an incident just like what actually happened, in which some of the Palestine, OH residents were actually extras. But you know how the WEF, Bill Gates, etc. like dry runs and mock ups - was this movie part of that? Ever hear of Covid and the mock up plans they made before that went down?
Worse – and recall, that for the left, since there is no God, only money and temporal pleasures matter – it turns out that lobbyists have been working on Congress and federal regulators (and you wondered how these people arrive in Congress as freshmen like us, and leave rich?) for years to allow them to not improve their emergency brakes. If you are thinking “corrupt CDC and FDA meets Big Pfizer Money,” you get the drift.
And that railroad contract last fall that Biden pushed – and removed the railroaders ability to strike and fix stuff like this? Turns out, one of the complaints from the union was precisely over issues like this, such as shunts, track analysis, number of railcars, hotbox monitoring, etc.! (Don’t worry… this history will all go down the Orwellian memory hole in a month, aided and abetted by the fake news; besides, even if you do vote at the polls to resolve this, your votes will be overridden by the fake ones for their bought and paid for Democrat or RINO candidates). A Redacted News (13:30 mark) reporter on site said he saw NO other reporters on site reporting. Was this not news? You know…. non-news like Hunter’s laptop or Hilary’s file server in her dog house? Redacted is part of the “alt media,” or what I call “real media., so worth a look” Canadian Rebel News also reported here on the issue. Don’t expect the legacy news to do anything of real substance (too busy “reporting” on fake Russian dossiers on Trump). Even China reported on this, as did Al Jazeera… but not our own fakesters.
Data released by the Environmental Protection Agency shows the train contained more toxic and carcinogenic chemicals than initially reported, including as noted above, phosgene, a poisonous gas that has been used as a chemical weapon in war. Youtube, for what it is worth, has the link below, mostly talking about safety and the lust for profits over human well-being (but then, you already knew that profits trump humanity from Pfizer!). Emily Wright noted Norfolk Southern had $70mm in safety violations since 2000 and $21mm in environmental violations. In fact, 25 million Americans live in blast zones around Norfolk Southern lines. The Youtube caveats below are all true and important… but misses the deeper issue - viz., the Deep State attack on the flyover country hoi polloi, the complicity of the fake news, and the abject incompetence of the marionettes in the administration.
Imagine if this had occurred in a Democrat city, or near a limousine liberal or Learjet leftist enclave instead of a 70% Republican, Trump supporting, largely white area? You tell me: do you think they would have waited 10 days to even comment? (To be sure, no ethnicity deserves something like this!). Here is a first-hand account of what went on, from someone who was local; a local kennel owner, Katlyn Schwartzwaelder, was also on Glenn Beck here – that is, until Google forces this to be removed, too. But MSNBC, PBS, CNN, ABC? Nowhere to be found. At least until they can drum up some fake narrative.
Only the willfully ignorant are, by now, unaware of the inordinate amount of food and energy plant fires and explosion, far beyond yearly averages. Now you can add to that shooting attacks on electrical substations – dutifully ascribed by the vile fake news as probably due to white supremacists – as if us poor, working stiffs who have kids, go to work every day, and need to provide are going to intentionally destroy the very thing we need to live on (but then, the media never did have an intelligence level above that of a geriatric hamster), and multiple train derailments with toxic chemicals – in fact, the week of this Ohio tragedy, there was another one in Splendora, TX, and one in Enoree, SC. And yes, we all get it that derailments and plant fires happen. The issue is the numbers are well above the average. The other issue is that the fake news thinks we are all stupid enough to not see past their usual, Hunter-esque game plan of “plausible deniability.”
One enterprising local fellow went down to check things out was told he “would be arrested by the national guard” if he didn’t leave (gee…. I thought everything was now safe?) So, the national guard was being used to prevent photos and questions? Why? What do they need to hide? Will they next hire Stasi police to guard this site?
Another scientist noted vinyl chloride, which was in the crash, is a monomer used to make PVC – vinyl chloride is NOT polyvinyl chloride. The former is flammable and very hazardous and boils at 8 degrees F (which is why when the train crashed, they were spewing boiling gas).
Extra Credit:
Right soon after the above in February came this (links for your reference):
Massive Fire at Chemical Plant in Lasalle, IL.
A massive fire broke out at a chemical plant in LaSalle, Illinois Wednesday morning. "Some of the material that was released during the incident ... https://abc7chicago.com/carus-chemical-explosion-potassium-permanganate-la-salle-fire/12692391/
Chemical plant manufactures potassium permanganate, which can accelerate burning of explosive material once it catches fire... https://abc7chicago.com/carus-chemical-explosion-potassium-permanganate-la-salle-fire/12692391/
Below from ABC News here. Anything below look familiar?
Citing a few other examples of recent “accidents”:
2 dead, 30 hospitalized in La Porte, TX chemical leak near Houston months back in Texas, or perhaps you have already forgotten last year’s BP Plc 435,000 barrel-per-day fuel refinery fire in Whiting, IN? This is the largest US refinery in the Midwest.
Since the NY Slimes, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, Canada’s CBC, etc. are utterly captured by the Deep State and corrupt now and won’t do their job, for more reading:
Jeffrey Prather report at https://jeffreyprather.com/closed-for-covid-open-for-poison-gas/
As you said, "There is much more to it." If you live in Ohio, buy a few jugs of water for drinking, cooking, and I'm not as alarmist who would say bathing too, but you get the idea. The Ohio River is full of dioxin. There is a team of German (why German?) boots on the ground to sterilize things. Until then for the first two weeks and I hate this, wear a mask or bandana over your nose. That's just to keep out the silt that they hope you inhale. Silt is like sand-same size so masks should work in this case. After a week or two the schmutz should have settled and you won't need the mask unless you live at ground zero. After that we just have WWIII to worry about.
Most excellent post. Thank you.